![]() 10/03/2013 at 12:00 • Filed to: Hollywood Stuntz, Bikes, Car Crime | ![]() | ![]() |
I'm a biker. I passed my test when I was 33 because I moved to a new job in a city where parking and traffic made driving almost impossible. For three years I commuted to work every single day - even in the snow.
Now, nine years later I mainly ride for fun because I work from home. I usually drive places but I have a bike ( !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! ) and ride when the feeling takes me, and when I have to go into London.
I consider myself part of the biker community, but I rarely ride with other bikers. Biking is about freedom and individuality, and if you ride as part of a gang you tend to lose that and become part of an amorphous group.
This summer I broke that rule when !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . It was huge fun. We were all over 40, and possibly a bit rough round the edges, but we behaved just as we normally do.
We rode at sensible(ish) speeds, we overtook vast trains of cars without endangering ourselves or the drivers and when we met people we were our usual selves. We didn't turn into asshats just because we were part of a group. We just enjoyed ourselves.
In other words we were four individuals who happened to be riding together, but we retained our own ideas of how we should ride and behave - and didn't form a pack mentality.
Based on the videos and accounts I've seen, some of the bikers who form Hollywood Stuntz seem to be a) asshats in the first place and b) the individual's behaviour was skewed by the needs and personality of the tribe. They all became worse asshats than they were in the first place.
They seemed to want to show off, intimidate car drivers, be a menace to society, !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! and generally behave like the BRMC, Toecutter's Gang or even The Black Widows (kudos to who can name all three films).
The tribe formed an anti-social personality and the bikers within that tribe adopted the collective personality.
But not all bikers are like that. Most of us are individuals. Most us retain a sense of individuality, even when riding with other bikers. The members of Hollywood Stuntz don't represent mainstream bikers or biker behaviour.
The behaviours adopted by certain individuals in Hollywood Stuntz are not necessarily those of bikers devoid of moral values, they're just morally bankrupt humans who happen to be bikers.
I was shocked when I viewed the videos and read the reports. I sided with the Range Rover driver. Even though I hadn't seen what had happened before the video the clustering of the bikes around the SUV, and resultant intimidation, was inexcusable. The fact it escalated into a nasty confrontation (and injury) was, to me, as a result of the biker gang's actions.
Please don't tar all us bikers with the same brush.
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1000 times this !
I've said it many times here...
I ride for the joy of riding and plan to continue to ride for a long time. I have been riding on-two-wheels for nearly 30 years and I plan to ride for another 30.
It seems that many riders' self preservation gene is not dominant, and they allow poor decisions to shape their lives.
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Cheers. Someone has to put our point across
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I'm a biker (M endorsement since 2003). I'm also a parent, a nerd, a professional, and someone who likes to laugh. I like my dog and love my wife. One time I sat 3 rows behind Michael Douglas at a baseball game.
So I think I'm qualified to ask the following question: Who the EFF cares about this stupid "news" event?
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You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. Excellent post. The sad truth is that for most of us who choose not to ride (I'd kill myself in short order) the actions we're seeing on the videos of their recklessness is likely similar to the last memory of a biker in person. It's always the bad memories that stick out- I never remember that one time which a biker just passed me casually and didn't offend me. We have similar issues with cars (All BMW drivers are pricks, now all Audi drivers, etc) but it's much more pronounced for bikers. I think part of the issue is how vocal biker groups can be about car+bike safety. While completely justified as a message every time I see "Look twice save a life" I can't help but think to myself "Yea, how about that squid who passed me going 100+ inside the city limits on the interstate, weaving in between cars, how about he drives like a sane person and I won't have to run him over and get publicly shamed for not 'Looking twice'". It's a nasty rude thing to think considering the number of bikers to die from no fault of their own.
Ironically same thing goes with bicycles, and to some extent, pedestrians (I'm looking at you person running with ear buds in who doesn't obey the walk/don't walk signals or doesn't bother looking for right turning traffic before barreling into an intersection!). Drivers have to contend with other, distracted drivers, plus motorcycles, plus bikes, plus pedestrians. If we all don't watch for each other, the few that are distracted will kill us all.
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I agree with you. I know several bikers, and they are great guys. I would never put them or you and your friends in the same category of those "asshat" bikers.
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M endorsement since 1991. I currently do 5K miles a year. I ride to work, I ride to the beach, I ride in packs of two, eight, sometimes 12 or more, and on occasion in the thousands .
I have a lot of opinions on this story, and have been following it closely since it broke earlier this week. I have methods I would use to keep them in line, methods to stop them dead in their tracks, as well as suggestions to others and the authorities. I could express them here, but that would a) take too long, and b) repeat a lot of what Speedmonkey said, so I'll just sum it up with:
"Fuck those guys."
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BTW, great collection of bikes you and your mate's have...
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Thanks! Here was morning warm up on day 2 of our trip
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No sir I will not tar all bikers with the same brush, but i am apt to tar any large group of bikers with that brush. 4 does not make a group.
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how many do you think have read:
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Well said. I will not ride with more than 4 people total. Been riding since the early 70's. Seen it all.
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The public.
And that's the problem for us. Look at gun-owners if you want to see the effects of what a few public outrages do to a general census that is harmless.
Bikers may not suffer the same serious fate, but I can guarantee you no one will look at us pretty as these types of events stray the public eye from the 95% of us that act normal.
I too am a biker, and had my motorcycle license before I even got my actual driver's license. But I have watched for years as all my friends started to get into motorcycles and generally followed the same suit as this biker gang does. And because of this I generally don't ride with them, even if its just the two of us and no one else, and I definitely don't ride with their "groups" because all they do is act stupid when they get around each other. And I don't want to be associated with that type of behavior, because I know if they see one guy acting stupid even if I'm not I'll still be thrown in with the group.
That's the problem this event has created for us. It may not cause any issue, but I can bet when a normal car-driving citizen sees a biker or group of bikers it will come to mind.
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I know I haven't. Is it a must-read for any new rider?
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Fundamentals. I skim through it every April so as to avoid bad habits.
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BRMC? You leave them out of this.
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Don't sweat it. The NY douchefestival participants aren't real "bikers".
Unfortunately, media needs hype and drama to sell. It'll pass in time.
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I started riding in a time where the MSF wasn't' required. I read the book, then went and took the written and practical test.
Operating the vehicle was never going to be my issue... Staying alive was. Over the last 22 years, I have successfully avoided 325* not-at-fault accidents, and only recently had my first spill. Lucky? Sure. Paranoid and aware? Definitely.
I often ride with a MSF instructor, and he's a bit of a nag about little bad habits. I'm glad he is.
I have often thought of signing up for a MSF course to see what I have been missing. I never do, because I usually have other shit to do. It would be fun though.
*I just made number up. It's probably higher - happes pretty often around here in DC.
-edit- Just ordered the book.
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What type of news should we care about? This story brought to light the fact the police apparently draw the line at protecting the public if too much work is involved. Pretty newsworthy imo.
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I think one can easily put all the bikers on the planet in the same one big douche bag group pending their choice of riding gear. Icon vest with silly club name - squidtastic asshats. Proper leather jacket and helmet, no shorts... A OK in my book.
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"The Black Widows"
I know that one, Every Which Way but Loose.
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Yes! You rock
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Bonus points for riding a real bike (Triumph)
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You take 100% of the general non biker public and group them all together. I for one am not a bike rider. I have no desire to ride a bike where I live. (NYC fyi).
I am enraged at the actions these douche bags took. I don't look at them as bikers, but douche bags. Being bikers has nothing to do with it. I understand the pack mentality these guys have, its the same mentality a bunch of auto clubs have around here. There used to be a VW meet at a local target store in queens every Wednesday night, once the grep grew they started doing burnouts and generally speeding in a parking lot that the management was gracious enough to allow them to meet. Now they no longer meet there. Good riddance to them, and a sad day for car guys everywhere. There are assholes in every hobby. I identify as a gear head, car nerd etc. However I will admit that in my hobby there are a whole lot of douche bags. Cant help it. Don't judge the hobby, judge the individuals. There are nice guys everywhere, and douche bags seem to rule the earth.
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Squids, not bikers.
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Nypd sting on that Hollywood stunts pls...
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" four of us toured "
Before, or after the movie?
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Good post!
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Well done Mr Monkey. May I call you Speed?
Seriousely though, you have nailed it in my opinion. That sounds like the voice of professional. Do you have a qualification in sociology or something?
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Nobody puts normal bikers into the same category as these douches. The reason is because the guy that was run over had 16 citations, never had a license and was banned from driving in MA till 2017. Imagine what the rest of them had? They weren't bikers, they were a pack of useless bacteria moving around on their mopeds. There is a difference between bikers and these turds.
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If you read the higher ranked comments on the original posts, you will notice that almost all of us took issue with the knuckle-dragging asshat bikers involved in this specific incident.
I ride (not much anymore but some) and have friends who ride. They are decent, smart, likable people who don't change personalities when in a group.
So, yeah. +1 on your post and enjoy the freedom.
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Well said. I've had all of these same thoughts.
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The gang name always makes me think of John Quade's hysterical belly tattoo.
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This has nothing to do with motorcycles.
Those guys would be dick-holes on unicycles.
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I'm extremely courteous to bikers on the road. I've worked with a lot of bikers here and I know how they feel about other motorists when they're riding and I'm very conscious of that. What these guys were doing is inexcusable though. As you said, and as I've been saying, they acted as a gang of thugs and they initiated the confrontation. I have no doubt that if I was in the SUV driver's shoes, I would have done the same thing.
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I have the M endorsement on my license. I got it years ago because I was bored over the summer. I don't own a bike and haven't ridden one since.
I am careful of bikers on the road and only get pissed off when I see a few of them riding exceptionally aggressively. The bikers I know are great guys and wouldn't ride with the douche-canoes who attacked the SUV.
This incident doesn't color my opinion of all riders, however if I end up in the middle of a pack of crotch-rockets and dirt bikes, I will immediately become a much bigger asshole and not allow them to intimidate me.
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Toecutter's gang would be Mad Max.
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"Asshat" is too kind a word for those bikers.
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Somewhere between zero and none.
If you haven't read this book, it's quite excellent (as is the sequel) for those that aren't about the fastest time or posing, but interested in the fun of the ride and arriving at your destination under your own power.
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Your description of four 40-something bikers going for a ride together reminded me of a horrible movie I once saw.
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I do know worse names, but I'm trying to be a lady.
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Anyone else bothered by the term "biker"? I'd rather be a motorcyclist, personally. Thoughts?
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Speedmonkey = Captain Obvious. Or at least that would be the view of a reasonable person. If you have to explain it, then I'm quite worried for our society.
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+1 the reason why I admonish the bikers in the video so much is because it gives all riders a bad name.
fortunately/unfortunately, motorcycles have a very low barrier of entry for such a high capability machine so people who lack maturity exploit that. That gives people who genuinely like riding and ride courteously a bad name.
I'm sure if sports cars were just as cheap, there would be an outlash against drivers of sports cars. However they're more expensive so people who aren't responsible with their money/lives can't afford them like they can bikes and act irresponsibly with them.
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+1 especially on the asshat bicycle riders riding in a row across a single lane highway at 20 mph blocking traffic.
How about you ALSO respect the fact that every single vehicle behind you maxes out at over 100 mph and the speed limit is at least 40?
I'm a runner and a biker as well and hyper-aware of other people doing the same thing, but I take my car when I need to get somewhere quicker. Cut me some slack and ride in a single file.
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Hey Jo, long time no see (on here). I added you to the ranks of the authors on Oppo in case you'd like to stick around.
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This incident was a combination of mob mentality and road rage. It would be foolish to hold all bikers responsible for this.
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Thank you for your words. #Twowheels aren't always bad!
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Yeah, it's been a while. After the Kinja update I got annoyed with having to learn another commenting system.
We'll see if I ever bother to post anything original.
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Yah, pretty much. It just builds a foundation for good riding.
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Thats the point entirely: these guys were dicks that just happen to be riding motorcycles.
Give them scooters, skateboard or (God forbid) actual cars and they'd do the same thing.....Its sucks one of them is really hurt but thats what you get.
Buy the ticket, take the ride fellas.
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I figured the option should be open and I would open the door for you just in case you felt like hanging around here again/experimenting with the new system. Some of the changes are pretty slick, some of them are just changes, and some are still in flux.
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Thank you....claps all around.
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You are always a lady in my book. :)
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Thank you. A motorcyclist who isn't afraid to call it like they see it (and explain that all motorcyclists aren't the same).
I understand completely. The media likes to keep it real simple. Us vs. Them. As an African American, I see how we're often grouped into the 'Them' category whenever one (or more of us) engage in bad behavior or crime. I get flak for failing to 'stand up' for those engaged in bad behavior or crime. My position is that's not most of us (it isn't even representative of 99.9% of us) and more importantly, we should point out bad behavior where ever it occurs without regard for who's doing.
I agree - I don't want to brush all motorcyclists as Asshats. Just those that engage in idiotic, dangerous and/or criminal behavior - like those in the Bike vs. SUV case. Wish we could get the same treatment by most of the media/public.
Steps down from soapbox.
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I am so tired of hearing dumb people who happen to bike also comment on this in such a dumb way. Just because those idiots that bike mob happen to ride the same mode of transportation as you, it doesn't mean you have to defend them. Thanks for being reasonable. I'd like to continue to think that the majority of bikers are just like you and me.
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Very well written SpeedMonkey, I completely agree with your point of you. I've been riding for about a decade now, mostly sportbikes, and once i saw the video I immediately sided with the Range Rover driver.
The fact is, and you brought it up well, is that most motorcyclists are not asshats, and though we may speed, or thread our way through traffic, we generally respect other drivers, because we are not above the law, and we know what it is like to be a driver too.
However, I often feel that it would benefit drivers to know what it is like to be a rider. I have witnessed too many acts of road rage against motorcyclists splitting lanes, or riding in packs. Not that what the riders are doing is right, but recognizing the tremendous threat a car can be when used as a weapon against a motorcycle often is forgotten.
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Very well said, and undeniably true. It was animal pack mentality amongst humans.
Also, The Wild One, Mad Max, and Any Which Way But Loose/Any Which Way You Can
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Well done. 100 internet points
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And thanks
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Be worried. Be very worried.
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Tocutter's gang was in Mad Max, now we just need the last one.
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Still not sure why people are calling these kids "Bikers". Walk into a Biker Bar and say that. You'll get a first hand look at a Biker I promise you.
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What a sweet thing to say. Thank you.
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I recently took three years off from owning a car, ride 25k+ miles a year on everything from old Harley's and BMW's to my 2012 Victory daily rider. I complain constantly about stupid cagers on their cell phones and have certainly bitched a few out over the years. But these 'bikers' (stupid effing squids) were out to pick a fight from the get go. They brought this on themselves.
I feel bad for the paralyzed riders wife and kids. But his crew got him into a fight with a 4000 lb SUV. A tragic end that he brought upon himself.
I occasionally ride in large groups. New Years day regularly getting over 100 people. We NEVER have these issues. But we stay in our lane, use proper signals... behave like rational members of society. That's all it really takes.
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I'm a rider of seven years now, put 10K+ miles a year on the bike (VFR800, just like pictured above), and work PT as a riding instructor. I was riding out to a brewery in the Chicago burbs with the girlfriend on the back, both geared up. Riding along on 94 at a steady 70-ish, along with the rest of the light traffic, and I generally ride on the left or right side of the lane (left in this case). Out of nowhere, a guy on a 'busa comes flying passed, in my lane. Scared the fucking shit outta me. He slowed up ahead, I caught up, and promptly flipped him the bird before letting him tear off again.
There is zero connection between motorcycles and morons. Morons often have a thrill-seeker personality, which might make a motorcycle an attractive toy. While far more mainstream these days, the right bike is still a rebellious ride. And if you're up to no good, they offer supercar performance when running away (assuming you don't crash). It's easy to see why a moronic asshole would choose a motorcycle upon which to be a bully, but as Speedmonkey illustrated, there are lots of features of the motorcycle that attract the sensible, adventurous and/or introverted to two wheels as well.
I never ride in large packs, and warn my students of the dangers. Hell, I don't even go to parades anymore. Massive groups of people disgust me, and their simple mob-swayed brains disappoint me. If I notice you're texting while driving, I'll probably make a visual suggestion that you drive your car instead. But otherwise, I'm quite sure we can share the road without pissing each other off. Rest assured that we hate the squids just as much as you do. ;)
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My pleasure. You echo my sentiments as a fellow rider perfectly.
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Cheers mate. I've almost always ridden alone (except when the old lady tags along on her scooter), and I absolutely cherish the meditative solitude of a good ride. The only time I rode with other people for any serious distance was a 3 person tour of wine country. My friend, who was significantly less experienced than me, ended up lowsiding at about 20 mph around a gravel-strewn decreasing radius turn near Russian River. She was trying to keep up with a more experienced ride (who I'm pretty sure was riding above his limits) late in the day, when we were all tired. Even in a small group setting, you can wind up doing something you regret.
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Bike culture: Where 90 percent of bikers make the other 10 percent look bad.
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Well said sir!
Toecutter - Mad Max, BRMC - The Wild One, and of course the Black Widows from Any Which Way But Loose, and Any Which Way You Can - all great movies!
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I read 2 of his books when I started out. Also watched the Ride Like a Pro DVD's and took a Tramas course. My ATGATT mentality saved my life when a cager turned in front of me.
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I'm not a bike owner and I've never seen Michael Douglas in person, so I'll let you two continue the discussion. Just wanted to say that I think gun comparisons are appropriate in this scenario. Carry on, gents.
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Read. Learn. Repeat.
Fantastic book. I incorporate something new every single time I read through it.
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Assumption of them being able to read is tall order.
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I have a few biker friends that think they're such hot shit. They often text while on the road, sending pictures of them and their goofy ass friends on Harleys.
Can we get a law that bans bikers from texting?
And they always blame drivers and yet don't realize that if a biker is being a dickhead, he's gonna end up as a red stain on the concrete. People have to cooperate whether they like it or not. Otherwise, there shall be chaos.
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Nice - I bought and read that just after getting my MC license. Handed it down to my brother when he got his license.
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I'm a biker as well. Been riding for 40+ years now and have never seen bikers act with such disregard for others as these clowns involved in this lil' shitfiesta. Every last one of these scumbags need to be jailed and their bikes crushed.
Harsh? Tough shit. It's called civilization for a reason.
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+1 here. Harley groups around here tend to be exceptionally courteous, always cruising on the right lane, out of the way, and generally at or around speed limit.
Even individual sports bike riders are OK. Only occasionally would you come across an asshat swerving in and out of traffic at high speed.
Those sub-human organisms on the West Side Highway last weekend? Fuck them.
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Thanks for stating what I believe the other 99% of Bike riders have been saying, feeling, expressing the last couple of days. I too have been M endorsed since about 86'. I haven't ridden in quite a few years now due to family obligations/financial limitations but seeing this unfold makes me sick and really is disgusting.
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Spot on!
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$kay, where is your gift of the day for those a$$hats? :)
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Ha! It would probably be way to NSFW to post.
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Please stay on that soapbox!! Everybody needs to stay on a soapbox when they see something wrong or an injustice. I'm a biker too and do not consider those idiots bikers. They are just criminals on two (sometimes 4 or 1) wheels.
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That, anything by Keith Code (although those can be heavy sledding) AND Sport Riding techniques by Nick Ienatsch. Read everything about technique and tactics that you can get eyes on, pick and choose the things that work for your riding style, then go out and put them into practice.
One of those things could be the difference between a near miss and a near hit, if you know what I mean...
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it's not a bad idea to read it, or to take 1 or more classes, I took California's motorcycle safety course in leiu of taking my road test, and it was enough fun that I took the follow up street riding class that the CHP offered, certainly I'm a more confident and competent rider because of it, and I can easily see the mistakes of most self-taught motorcyclists I see on the road, who are usually riding the biggest baddest sportbike possible, and barely keeping themselves from crashing at every turn.
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Who cares about this? I do.
The key to addressing a problem like this is awareness and discussion. I'm talking about problematic group rides, where people like these ride like dicks.
I'm talking about small group rides where riders shut down a section of highway down so that their buddies can stunt on the highway.
I'm talking about dickheads on sport bikes who drag knees on the street and systematically run from the police.
I used to ride, and while I was responsible, I was often treated like I was one of these dicks. I even had a police officer screech to a halt next to me in a parking lot and accuse me of being a motorcyclist that had run from him. I took some convincing from me, angry threats from him, and then stern words from me about evidence - and asking if he was detaining me, or if I could go - for the issue to be defused...and I'm still pissed about it.
I care about this stuff...and it's worthwhile to have an honest discussion about how to address these issues, and not by using heavy-handed tactics that will harm all drivers and motorcyclists alike - but how to single-out people who ride like this. I love that there are forums like this with an outpouring of acknowledgement that this is not acceptable behavior. If we don't talk about this, squids will continue to think that it's OK to ride like that.
Maybe I'm just being naive, maybe squids will be squids. Heavy handed law enforcement is the only thing that will happen. But as a road user, I still believe that talking about this will help.
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His books are considered to be the comprehensive standard for riders of any experience. I have yet to meet any rider who hasn't benefited from his books and also from the MSF course, regardless of how long they've been riding.
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I don't ride, but I do appreaciate what drives people to it. You are right that we should not paint you all with the same brush, but i do lump this lot in with the harley people that insist on fitting illegaly loud exhaust and revving at every intersection to see how many people will look at them. Just like any group you will have a few bad ones and when they pack up they revert to their most base instinct.
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What is it with VW meets at Target lots? The V-Dub club in my area used to meet at the local target. Same sorts of douchers..burnouts and speeding through the lot. One day they actually threatened a guy I knew for parking too close to 'their' area. They even followed him when he left for about 5 miles or so. They also aren't allowed back there anymore.
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The Wild One with Marlon Brando. I had to look it up, I never would have gotten that. It stands for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club like the band which made me have to look twice as hard damn them.
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This entire issue aside, I never got the idea of group rides, let alone massive ones like this. Three or four friends on a tour across a good distance, that sounds awesome. 100+ people going through traffic? Yikes. That sounds totally counter to what is so liberating about riding a motorcycle.
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"We're feared throughout the land."
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What he said
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It is
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I don't know what that hollywood stuntz crap was but it wasn't riding. However, there was a lot of asshat behavior, poor judgement & selfish idiocy involved.
I rarely ride on the street & do most of my riding offroad in the forests. It's way more fun, safer and a really good way to enjoy riding in a small group. It's also a great way to get any speed/adrenaline fix out of the way without endangering yourself or other in a needless way. BTW fast in the forest is between 20 and 40 km/h depending on how tight the trails are. It's also a great workout, equivalent to a good run - uphill.
We also ride with a code of conduct we observe, as there are other users, such as horseback riders, hikers etc. in the forest.
The most unfortunate thing is that most of the general public can't tell the difference & we spend a lot of time trying to educate laymen & undo damaged perceptions caused by nitwits like those tards..... Thanks, assholes.
![]() 10/03/2013 at 14:17 |
I've been riding since 1979, here in the US, the UK, and Europe. 99% of the time I ride alone, and in the mountains. Most of the time my rides are on weekdays, when the squids are at work. I do ride with others once in awhile, but I'm picky about whom. And no, I do not ride a geezer trike...I ride a 160 HP BMW.
Be safe out there, be cool, live long, and avoid jail and hospitals.
![]() 10/03/2013 at 14:19 |
I've been riding for more than 40 years and have about a half million miles on streetbikes. I've ridden in all types of situations: commuting in and out of Boston daily for 15 years, extensive touring, track days, you name it. Through it all, one rule has been inviolable - do not mess with cars. Watching the guy pull RIGHT in front of that SUV, then roll off while not even watching the SUV is the height of irresponsible and generally poor riding. While I'd love to side with the riders on this one, this whole incident was precipitated by that guy's poor decision making and riding. Sorry to see he's hurt, but he messed with the bull and wound up on the horn.
I suspect the SUV rider simply panicked at the prospect of being surrounded by a couple hundred bikers and decided to hightail it out of there. The guy that smashed his window in and beat him should get an assault and battery charge. He may be liable for an assault with a deadly weapon - his helmet.
![]() 10/03/2013 at 14:21 |
Hi, I've been riding for more than 21 years, most of it on the fastest, most powerful sportbikes I could buy. I have probably more than 200K miles with "bars-in-hand".
Have I been discriminated against because I ride? Hell Yes! especially the cops wrestling me to the ground for doing less than 5 over the speed limit, Good ol' boys in the south who think that "only bucks ride jap bikes", and truck drivers trying to ride over me in the right lane. I've had people not use their mirrors and take my lane right in front of me. I had one large Cadillac owner look right through me at a red light, stand on his brakes, and come within inches of plowing me right into cross traffic. I've had numerous women who apply makeup, or text on their cellphone, or discipline their kid simultaneously while barelling down the highway at 80 mph. In every case, I've never let it escalate. This is probably why I'm still alive, and still riding a very fast bike.
I've ridden alone, and I've rode in groups. This Event was just "Road-rage" on both parties, that just happened to have motorcycles mixed in. That's all it is.
4 wheel vehicle owners: A group of bikers surrounding you, when there's no provocation is not a reason to be afraid. It does not give you license to kill, maim, or endanger using the 3000+ lbs of steel and aluminum. Carjackers don't ride motorcycles, it leaves too much evidence behind (the bike).
2-wheel vehicle owners: Riding in a group does not give you license to break the traffic laws (esp. lane use rules), ride aggressively, and menace people in a group. If you want to test your skills at the edge of your capability, take it to a track, or head out into the countryside where there are fewer cops, nicer people, better food, and whole lot more fun.
Regardless of who started what, this whole event escalated into some pretty extreme violence. This escalation could have been averted on either side.
Just calm down...
Life's too short for petty bullshit like this, and the media goes ape.. and then what do we get? Another 1947 Hollister incident in the making..( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollister… )..
![]() 10/03/2013 at 14:21 |
It's just a bunch of man children twat bags hanging out in a parking lot trying to look tough, except they're doing it on bikes, rolling down the freeway. Fuck em'
![]() 10/03/2013 at 14:21 |
black widow - every which way but loose
toecutters - mad max
brmc - no clue :(